Much of the content on this site has been provided by fans who have experienced UK basketball on a personal level.  In keeping with the VISION and MISSION of this site, all fans are encouraged to share their experiences here.  In this way, the history, traditions, and lore of the UK basketball program can endure for current and future generations of fans.

When a fan offers, and the Editors approve entries for this site, the Webmaster will post the information with appropriate credits and links for easy navigation.   If you want to provide your information for consideration, contact the Editor with the following information:  Your first and last names, the complete content for your proposed post, and an email address for correspondence with you about your submittal. 

The site editors may approve submittals that are consistent with the site VISION and MISSION statement, and that meet the criteria this site.  The editors may suggest changes to a submittal to correct grammar, spelling or other errors, and to provide stylistic uniformity.  No submittal will be posted until both the contributor and the site editors all agree upon the full presentation. 

Finally, all submittals to this site will require the submitting fan to identify himself as the contributor, using his/her real first and last names.  No handles, internet pseudonyms, or fictitious names will be permitted.  If the editors learn that a previosuly accepted entry is associated with an improper name, that post will be removed from the site immediately, and the submitter will lose all posting privileges at the site.

To submit material to the editor, click here, and a member of our Editorial Board will work with you and your material to make it consistent with site formats and get it published on the site.

To Review Our Editorial Board, Click Here


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SugarHill Communications of Kentucky
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